Member Group Rules:
(the following rules are taking effect as of 26.04.2020 for the Members Group)
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- The Member group is made of three levels now, BASIC, JUNIOR, SENIOR.
BASIC: The members in this group can take only 10 accounts at 1 posts/day ratio. Once you have taken the 10 accounts, you won't be able to take any new accounts from the FREE PREMIUM ACCOUNTS until you start contributing. That means, you need to make at least 5 threads + gain at least 15 Reputation points to be promoted to the JUNIOR member.
JUNIOR: The members in this group can take the next 25 accounts at 2 posts/day ratio. Once you have taken the 25 accounts, you won't be able to take any new accounts from the FREE PREMIUM ACCOUNTS until you start contributing. That means, you need to make at least 15 threads again + gain atleast 35 Reputation points again to be promoted to the SENIOR member.
SENIOR: This is the highest level reachable for the member group. Once you are a SENIOR member, you will be able to take the next 25 Accounts for 3 posts/day in the FREE PREMIUM ACCOUNTS.
If you reach this level, you are eligibile to apply for the CS Addicted RANK
You will be limited only in the FREE PREMIUM ACCOUNTS sections as of your user groups from making replies. You will be still able to post replies in your own threads, make new threads and make new replies in the other sections of the forum as of your user group.
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The CS staff has been giving you every single opportunity to contribut3 by making the CS rank system very light as far as at least the CS Addicted rank is concerned but 99% of you is just visiting the FREE PREMIUM SECTION to get the famous one porn account and then to log off. I can link you many members who have just made one introduction thread till today but got 100 accounts from our forum and we are really tired from that.
. . .
We would like to show more respect to the members who are contributing & sharing accounts, knowledge, skills with the forum hence, we are introducing new rules on our forum for the MEMBER group.
So, let us start contributing?
Regards !
Please don't spam my inbox, if i'm not replying, i'm not online and i haven't read your pm. Thanks a lot for understanding.