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[General Discussion] lockdown 2

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hi crackingsoul  who still stick in lockdown and how you coping ?
I'm in Seattle and we just relocked down everything.  I've been working remotely since March and it is VERY VERY OLD!  I didn't realize I liked interacting with people as much as I do!
I do love how little traffic there is though, that's sure nice!
Hopefully many companies will continue to allow remote working so traffic doesn't return to pre-covid levels!
The things are getting worse and worse here, as each day passes.
We still aren't in a lockdown 2, but hopefull we will be.
BTW For such a small country, almost each day we have approx 3-4k positive cases.
40-50 people die each day
Today I was out for like 10 mins, a short walk ******* (something I don't want to reveal to everyone yet) and I was exhausted.

So fingers crossed the Lockdown 2 will happen ''yesterday'' (what I meant was, very very soon, ofc)
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